Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Author Your Thoughts

Sometimes our thoughts can be as destructive as a room full of five year old boys, or monkeys, which are sort of the same thing. We carry mental garbage including worry, fear or criticism even though it’s widely documented that negative thoughts affect our health. Negative thoughts can cycle endlessly like a ubiquitous, annoying Christmas song in December. Sometimes you just need to throw a stick in the spokes.
Worrying will never prevent the big bad wolf from blowing our best laid plans into smithereens. Only our reactions to life are under our control. When something we perceive as negative happens, we naturally feel justified reacting with fear,  anger or sadness without realizing that we can choose a more enjoyable response. The negative reaction serves no useful purpose. Marcus Aurelius said, “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your estimate of it...”.
Positive thoughts and behaviors attract positive circumstances. There’s always something to feel grateful for and happy about that most people take for granted.
It takes Herculean strength to banish the negative noise inside our heads and refrain from getting all jeezled up over things that we magnify into national emergencies. Equanimity  requires that we relinquish the illusion that we can control outcomes. Show up, do your best and throw it to the four winds. We ruin this moment worrying about things that will never happen.
Mark Twain said, “I’ve been through some terrible things in my life. Some of which actually HAPPENED.”